That's right... pardon me for not posting more often recently! What with the holiday season seasoning itself all over the place and deadlines omnipresently occurring all the time it's a wonder I have the 12 to 14 hours a day I require to devote to my macrame planter making hobby as it is!
But seriously folks... ahem... work has been piling up recently (that's a good thing, trust me!) with some fun new illos for a new client (see the alternate colour version of one above) that has allowed my to let loose (so to speak) my inner (sorry) 12 year old. More on these when they hit the stands in a few months.
As well I'm just starting in on what just might be my biggest single job ever. One that will keep me busy 7 days a week for the next three months! Hopefully I'll have time to fill you in this great new project as I go along.
And to finish things up - my website has some new blood pumping through it thanks to a long overdue illustration update to the gallery sections.
Check it out now I tells ya!..